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HoHF Challenge

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Challenge Schedule:

HOHF Challenge Schedule.jpg

Class Descriptions:

Too Much Booty: Burn 400+ calories from your living room. This total body dance workout  was designed using a scientific approach combining both cardio movement with strength training. This class is all-level, we recommend you wear sneakers and have a water bottle close by.

Street Jazz: This class fuses both Jazz and Hip-hop together creating a fun funky class! This class begins with a 3 song workout/warm up then goes right into the combination using an "add-on style" of teaching. In other words, once the instructor starts the music you will learn the dance by repeating the movement to all different songs. Then, the last 10 minutes you do the full combination to the song that it was set to. This class is all- levels, we suggest sneakers (heels are optional), and we recommend you have water close by!

Into to Heels: This class was created to get you feeling comfortable in any type of heels. This is a judgement free zone starting with the basics! We will teach how to stand tall, walk gracefully and dance in high heels. This is an all-levels class, heels are recommended.

Stretch: You have been working hard, give your body some TLC. This stretch class was created for the dancer and dance enthusiast. It works through your muscle groups from large to small with some infused core work.  This class we recommend barefoot or socks, and a yoga mat or towel. 

Q & A

Q: Are all of your classes done in heels?

A: No, only our 'Intro to Heels' class do we recommend you wear heels. All of the other classes offered we suggest sneakers. (You can view our class description chart at the bottom).

Q: I have work during the morning and afternoon class, is it possible for me to still participate?

A: Of course! All of our classes are live on Zoom. However, while we have Zoom on, we will also be going live in our private IG challenge page. These videos will be saved to our feed until Sunday. That way if you miss or want to retake you can. We also like to challenge you to double up by taking classes back to back.

Q: I don't have dance experience, am I going to struggle?

A: No! ALL of our classes are taught using an "add-on style" this means that when our instructor hits play, you will learn one dance using all different music on a playlist by repeating the movements over and over.  You are learning one dance to one specific song which is played at the end. This is a true all levels class.

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